The key features of Project are as follows:ġ005 numbers of vehicles to be fitted with GPS based vehicle tracking system and RF ID tags and integration with existing weighbridges to be done in all the projects of NCL.
GPS/RFID based vehicle tracking System - GPS based vehicle tracking system for coal transportation along with RFID system, boom barrier, camera for snapshot and integration with existing weighbridge system on turnkey basis, is being implemented to prevent coal pilferage. IBS, an ERP package used in NCL, was reactivated, which was not being used completely and has also been upgraded as per the requirement of user. They synchronize with the HQ time to time via MART to end up with integration. The network architecture under IBS project is distributed in nature i.e. SGET EXTENSION TO SURPAC SOFTWARE
Integrated Business Solution (IBS) is an ERP package developed by CMC on demand of NCL to automate their system, meaning their inventory, finance, production etc will be recorded and taken care by this software only. The different projects connected to HQ are Jhingurda, Kakri, Bina, Khadia, Dudhichua, Jayant, Central Workshop, Nehru Shatabdi Chikitsalaya, Nigahi and Amlohri. The digital signals used for IBS are fed into the routers at HQ end and get redistributed to the location for which it is intended. All the projects under NCL are connected to the HQ via MART. These projects and infrastructures are situated along the highway and their distances are ranging from 3 Km to about 50 Km from, NCL HQ, Singrauli. These individual projects are having electronic exchanges and Local Area Networks (LANs).
Re-activation of IBS - NCL (Northern Coalfield Ltd) has large opencast projects and important infrastructure locations. Some of the important IT initiatives are enumerated below. The Central Vigilance Commission has been emphasizing the use of technology for bringing about transparency through adopting extensive use of technological solutions for public service delivery and functional activities specially public procurements and contracts by all organizations.Vigilance Department of Northern Coalfields Limited has also taken IT (Information Technology) initiatives in this regard.